Now is the right time to buy, check it out! Great article on why now is the right time to buy! The Lawhead Team would like to share this article from pcmbankers.com. Click Here to read the entire article: “Top 7 Reasons Why Now Is A Good Time To Buy A House“. A slow economy […]

Why It Is A Good Idea To Buy Instead Of Rent

Buy instead of rent.  Here’s why: Are you unsure if now is the right time to buy?  Before you look to rent a home, read this article.  It might be a good idea to buy instead of rent for many reasons. It’s cheaper to buy than rent in almost every major U.S. housing market, and […]

Buy Instead Of Rent

Not only are interest rates low, but rents are going up.  It is a good time to buy and The Lawhead Team would like to share our reasons with you! A few years ago home ownership was a much scarier concept because of the mortgage crises and economic meltdown leaving many homeowners under water.  But […]

The Southern California Housing Market – It is Time to Buy

The Lawhead Team came across this great article about renting vs. owning – why it is better to buy your home in San Diego. There is a lot of focus lately regarding the fact that it is less expensive to buy your home rather than rent in San Diego county. In San Diego Country it […]